The Davey Falcus Story
'Unless a man is born again he will not see heaven' John 3:3
This is my story of how Jesus change my life, From Gangland To God
(Tekstittämätön video Daveyn elämäntarinasta)
"From my early teens, I was involved in organised crime and lived the life of a gangster. My name is Davey Falcus, I was also known as Davey Tams. I was born in Brampton (Cumbria) in 1966 and adopted at six weeks old after my mother died. At the age of five, death struck again, this time three of my adoptive grandparents an uncle and my adoptive mother. I was shattered, everyone I loved was taken away from me in the sp
ace of a few months."
Jo varhaisesta nuoruudesta lähtien olin sotkeutunut järjestäytyneeseen rikollisuuteen ja elin gansterin elämää. Nimeni on Davey Falcus, ja minut on tunnettu myös nimellä Davey Tams. Synnyin Bramptonissa (Cumbria ) vuonna 1966 ja minut adoptoitiin kuusi viikkoa äitini kuoleman jälkeen. Ollessani viisivuotias kuolema iski lähelleni toistamiseen ja vei minulta kolme adoptioisovanhempaa, sedän ja adoptioäitini. Olin raunioina. Kaikki rakastamani ihmiset otettiin pois luotani vain muutaman kuukauden sisällä.
"I did not get on well with my adoptive father. At seven I was drinking, smoking and thieving. At thirteen I was in care, I was angry and hated the world. I graduated from Borstal to Prison, working with the crime families of Newcastle's Notorious 'West End'. At 17 I was locked up after an armed siege with the police and at 18 jailed for dealing Heroin."
En tullut oikein toimeen adoptioisäni kanssa. Jo seitsenvuotiaana otin alkoholia, tupakoin ja varastelin. 13-vuotiaana olin jo huostaan otettu, olin vihainen ja vihasin maailmaa. Valmistuin kasvatuslaitoksesta itse asiassa suoraan vankilaan juostessani pahamaineisten Newcastlen "West Endin" rikollisperheiden asioilla. 17-vuotiaana aseistetut poliisit piirittivät minut ja pistivät lukkojen taakse, ja vuotta myöhemmin sain vankilatuomion heroiinin myynnistä.
Newcastle (Internet)
"At twenty one, I was helping to run pubs and working as a bouncer, I was also heavily involved in the drug scene, working with the 'firm' who controlled Newcastle - 'The Geordie Mafia'. I was a very violent man who was known and feared thoughout 'Clubland'. I had been in gang warfare all my life, been shot at, stabbed, hit with glasses, bottles and iron bars, as well as being imprisoned and locked up for bank robberies. I helped run bars in Newcastle and London and have been involved with many of the top villains from London to Glasgow. I blew fortunes on drink, drugs and high living. I travelled the world met many famous people but my life was a mess and I was desperately unhappy. My life was spiralling out of control because of my Cocaine/alcohol addiction, I was hooked on other substances as well and overdosed many times. By the age of 29 I'd had enough, I had become mentally ill, totally unstable and very dangerous, breakdown was coming and I needed to change my life!"
Täytettyäni 21 vuotta autoin pubien pyörittämisessä ja työskentelin portsarina. Olin myös voimakkaasti mukana huumemarkkinoilla tehden hommia Newcastlen alamaailmaa hallitsevalle "Geordien mafialle". Olin kautta "Clublandin" tunnettu pelätty ja erittäin väkivaltainen mies (Clubland= alue Lontoossa, jossa sijaitsee monia kuuluisia pubeja). Olin käynyt jengisotaa koko elämäni, ja kuitannut osani niin pyssyistä, puukoista ja rautaputkista kuin pankkiryöstöistä rapsahtaneista tuomioista. Autoin baarien hoitamisessa Newcastlessa ja Lontoossa ja tulin samalla sotkeutuneeksi monen "nimimiehen" kuvioihin Lontoon ja Glasgowin välillä. Kulutin omaisuuksia juopotteluun, huumeisiin ja makeaan elämään. Matkustin maailmalla ja solmin tuttavuuksia kuuluisiin ihmisiin, mutta elämäni oli sekaisin ja olin pohjimmiltani täysin onneton. Elämäni oli syöksykierteessä, sillä kärsin kokaiini- ja viinariippuvuudesta. Olin myös "koukutettu" muillakin aineilla. Huumeisessa elämässäni yliannostuksia sattui monta kertaa. Vain 29-vuotiaana olin saanut jo kaikesta tarpeekseni ja menettänyt täysin tasapainoni. Olin erittäin arvaamaton ja erittäin vaarallinen. Totaalinen romahdus ja vararikko olivat suoraan edessä. Ymmärsin jo, että minun täytyy välttämättä muuttaa elämääni!
"Determined to change I moved house three times, to get away from my friends and associates. Desperate for peace I searched my way through Spiritism, Hinduism, Buddhism and other eastern religions looking for the answer to my problems and addictions, I did not find them in these religions. I was tormented by nightmares and voices that raged at me to kill myself. I was desperate for peace and came to the verge of suicide. To my utter amazement a bright light filled the room, it was brighter than the sun. Wave after wave of pure bliss rolled over my body, I looked up and Jesus was standing over me shining in all His Glory, He said;' Son, your sins are forgiven, go now and sin no more'. At that moment a 15 year drug habit was broken instantly, also my desire for alcohol left me. The voices became silent for the first time in many years and a beautiful peace entered my body. "
Päätettyäni muuttaa elämääni vaihdoin osoitetta kolme kertaa. Halusin näin päästä irti vanhoista ystävistäni ja rikollisyhteyksistäni. Epätoivoinen rauhan etsiminen johti tieni lävitse spiritismin, hindulaisuuden, buddhismin ja muiden itäisten uskontojen. Etsin vastausta miten ratkaista ongelmani ja riippuvuuteni, mutta en löytänyt sitä näistä uskonnoista. Minua kiduttivat edelleen painajaiset ja raivoisat äänet, jotka yllyttivät itsemurhaan. Ilman rauhaa olin epätoivoinen ja ajauduin itsemurhan partaalle. Mutta täydelliseksi hämmästyksekseni aurinkoakin kirkkaampi valo täytti huoneen. Aalto aallon jälkeen puhdas autuus löi ruumiini yli; katsoin ylös ja Jeesus seisoi edessäni kaikessa loistossaan, ja hän sanoi: "Poikani, sinun syntisi on annettu anteeksi, mene nyt äläkä enää tee syntiä." Juuri sillä hetkellä 15 vuotta kestänyt huumeriippuvuus katkesi välittömästi. Samalla myös alkoholihimoni jätti minut. Äänetkin vaikenivat ensimmäistä kertaa moneen vuoteen ja kaunis rauha ympäröi ruumiini.
"I had become what is known as 'born again' (John 3:3). The anger,violence,fear and paranoia was now gone! I felt brand new! It was the most beautiful (and fearful!) experience in my life!"
Tulin niin sanotuksi "uudestisyntyneeksi" (Joh 3: 3). Viha, väkivalta, pelko ja vainoharhaisuus olivat nyt poissa! Tuntui tuliterän uudelta! Se oli kaikkein kaunein (ja pelottavin!) kokemus elämässäni!
"Over the years I've got to know Jesus on a personal level he has totally transformed my life. He showed me he had a plan for my life, he has helped me to overcome many problems in my life and that has allowed me to help others. "
Vuosien varrella olen oppinut tuntemaan Jeesuksen henkilökohtaisella tasolla; hän on täysin muuttanut elämäni. Hän näytti minulle suunnitelman elämälleni; hän on auttanut minua pääsemään ylitse monista ongelmista elämässäni, mikä on antanut minulle samalla mahdollisuuden auttaa muita.
"I was baptised in the Holy Spirit in 1997 (ActsCh 2) and have since travelled the world having many adventures with God."
Minut kastettiin Pyhällä Hengellä vuonna 1997 (Apostolien teot 2. luku) ja olen sittemmin kiertänyt maailmaa kokien monia seikkailuja Jumalan kanssa.
"He has used me to heal many people including opening blind eyes, opening deaf ears, making the lame walk, as well as seeing every form of illness healed. The ministry has also been accompanied by many 'signs, wonders and miracles,' with a very strong warfare/deliverance anointing. I was ordained as a pentecostal minister in 1999 and I am now the senior pastor of Ashington family church, and was instrumental in setting up The Real Deal Plus Charity in the former Police Station and magistrates court in Ashington, Northumberland. "
Hän on käyttänyt minua ihmisten hoitamiseen: parantamaan sokeiden silmät, avaamaan kuurojen korvat, nostamaan rammat jaloilleen. Olen saanut todistaa kaikenlaisten sairauksien parantumisia. Kirkko on myös saanut kokea monia "ihmeitä ja ihmetekoja" hyvin voimakkaan hengellisen sodankäynnin ja vapautuksen voitelun merkeissä. Minut vihittiin helluntailiikkeen saarnaajaksi vuonna 1999 ja olen nyt Ashingtonin perhekirkon vanhempi pastori. Toimin myös avustajana Real Deal Plus Charityn perustamisessa entiselle Ashingtonin poliisiasemalle ja oikeustalolle Northumberlandin kreivikuntaan (sijainti Koillis-Englanti).
Mm. entisaikojen mittavasta kivihiilituotannosta tunnettu Ashington (Wikipedia)
Samalla asialla turvallisen elämän puolesta (Internet)
"I have travelled to five continents with the Lord preaching in Churches of all denominations as well as Schools, Youth Events, Prisons, Stadiums, Bible schools, Conferences."
Olen matkustanut viidellä mantereella Herran kanssa saarnaten niin kaikkien kirkkokuntien kirkoissa kuin kouluissa, nuorisotapahtumissa, vankiloissa, stadioneilla, Raamattukouluilla ja konferensseilla.
"I have also been invited to speak on many media platforms worldwide, including, BBC Radio, BBC Songs of praise, Premier Christian radio, and have been involved in various TV series on God TV, UCB TV, Revelation TV and UK's Channel 4 & 5. And have appeared in local and national newspaper's where I have been given the opportunity to share everything the Lord has done in my life. I would not be alive or doing the things he has called me to do today if it were not for Jesus transforming my life and for this I give him all the Glory. Full copies of Daveys Story are also available on DVD/CD for more info please feel free to contact us."
Minua on vielä pyydetty puhumaan erilaisissa medioissa maailmanlaajuisesti, mukaan lukien BBC Radio, BBC Songs of praise, Premier Christian radio. Olen ollut mukana erilaisissa tv-sarjoissa eri yhtiöillä, kuten God TV, UCB TV, Revelation TV ja Britannian Channel 4 & 5. Ja olen saanut jakaa vielä monien pienten ja suurten lehtien välityksellä kaiken sen mitä Jumala on elämälleni tehnyt. En todellakaan olisi hengissä enkä tekisi näitä asioita, joita hän on kutsunut minut tekemään tänään, jos Jeesusta ei olisi ollut muuttamassa elämääni. Kaikesta saavuttamastani annan hänelle kaiken kunnian.
Daveyn "stoorista" on saatavissa myös täyspitkät DVD / CD-formaatit. Halutessasi lisätietoja ota rohkeasti yhteyttä meihin.
"Why not book Davey for an event? He is available to speak at: Church Services, School lessons, Assemblies, Youth Events, Dinners, Breakfasts, Conferences."
Miksi et varaisi Daveyä tapahtumaan? Hän on käytettävissä puhujana Jumalanpalveluksissa, koulujen oppitunneilla, erilaisissa miitingeissä, nuorisotapahtumissa, illallisilla, aamiaisilla ja konferensseilla.
t: 01670 816649 or e: (outside UK tel: 0044 1670 816649)
Jon Harle interviews Davey Falcus 24.9.2014
"Gangland to God
Davey Falcus left behind a background of crime, drug and alcohol addiction when he found God and he now runs a church in Ashington. He spoke to BBC Radio Newcastle's Jon Harle about what changed his life.
Davey Falcus has fond memories of his early years. He was adopted and his adoptive family were Christians.
He said: "They really put some good seeds and a lot of love into my life in those first years."
But things changed when a wave of deaths hit the family when he was about five. Over the space of a few months he lost three of his grandparents, an uncle he was close to and his adoptive mother.
Davey said it was a devastating time for everyone and he said he was hit hard by the sudden loss of attention.
Started slide
He said: "I suppose when you have had a lot of attention and a lot of love there and suddenly it's not there – it's no fault of my dad's or anything like that, it was just he was busy working, and when you have had a lot of attention and don't get it, I think kids want attention, kids need love and that.
"But I found I didn't get any after that and so I went looking for it on the streets and at school and things like that.
"It was like the missing piece I had been searching for all my life was suddenly filled"
Davey Falcus
"And I found if I was misbehaving myself then I got attention and I sort of liked it and that was what led us on a big slide really down to the point where I was drinking at seven and eight year old, stealing, robbing out of cars, robbing from shops.
"I started getting locked up before my 10th birthday and things like that. The police were always at the house and things and basically it was because I had had a lot of attention and then none."
Had enough
Davey said he was jailed for bank robberies among other things, was involved in the drug trade and became part of the main criminal firm in the region.
He said: "I started off just robbing out of shops, stealing cars and that and I got into violence and the professional violence and that sort of thing and I started mixing with a lot of heavy duty people down to the point where I was part of the main crew in the North East."
But he said there came a point when he had had enough of that life after many of his friends had died.
He started looking to eastern religions to try to find some answers but nothing worked.
Missing piece
He said: "And it was only when I got to 16 August 1995 – I was desperate, I was suicidal and I needed some answers - that I called out to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
"I called out to him and he actually came and appeared to us and if that hadn't happened I would still be there now.
"But the fruit of it is that I called out to Jesus because the Bible says if you seek, you'll find, he's there to be found. Anybody who really looks for Jesus will find him and I sought him and I found him.
"And when he came to us he released me from a 20-year alcohol addiction, a 15-year drug addiction, a lifetime of violence and crime and suddenly for the first time in my life I had peace in my life.
"It was like the missing piece I had been searching for all my life was suddenly filled."
Mixed reaction
After a while he started going to church regularly and began helping out and then became a church warden.
He was ordained in 1999 as a full-time minister. He looked after a drug rehabilitation centre and has travelled around the world as an evangelist.
He said he still gets a mixed reaction from people because he doesn't necessarily look like a minister with his tattooed arms.
He has written about his experiences in a book called Gangland to God."